Why do we have children in Family (Corporate) Worship

My wife has her Master’s in Christian Ed from NOBTS and served on staff of 3 churches. She wrote this for our monthly magazine and I thought I’d share it with you…

Why do we have children in Family (Corporate) Worship and how can the church partner with parents in leading their children to worship?

Reason #1:
Children belong in the family (corporate) worship setting because worship and the Gospel is one place where age holds no power. Children need a sense of belonging and to feel they are a part of a loving group. They are members of the body of Christ. Christian worship starts as corporate worship, engaged in by all who are members of the community of faith.

Reason #2:
A childƒ¢¢â€š¬¢â€ž¢s relationship with God and the Christian community is developed through child-friendly congregational worship.

Reason #3:
Worship is family time. It is a time to connect families rather than separate them. Children can hear and see the faith of their parents. Children can have shared experiences of uninterrupted time with mom and dad to build deep faith memories.

Reason #4:
Congregational worship is a time for churches to help parents pass on the faith to their children.

Parent Tip #1:
Help children learn the proper manners for worship. Talk about making a trip to the restroom before worship begins and arrive five minutes early to help children get ready for worship.

Parent Tip #2:
Help children learn the songs and the different elements of the worship services.

Parent Tip #3:
Help children understand the culture of congregational worship.

Parents who tutor or mentor their children during congregational worship will discover a new bond developing with their children. They will find that their children canƒ¢¢â€š¬¢â€ž¢t wait for worship because the children receive the attention they crave from mom and dad.

David has been a systems thinker most of his life. He has started three businesses as well as designed and developed systems and processes in existing organizations. He has a Doctorate in Leadership and has also done additional post-graduate work in communications. He has been a developer on the web since 1997 and currently is a Technical Project Manager.

He has also pastored 3 churches and loves to think about, write about and podcast about scripture, theology, and leadership.

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