Articles you should read from the week of Oct. 11-16, 2010
my 5 personal advice for spiritual entrepreneurs from Eugene Cho
Here¢â‚¬â„¢s five important advice I can give to especially those who are starting something new including churchplants, non-profits, businesses, and anything else you can think of that involves working with other people¢â‚¬¦
The Not-Do List: 9 Things You Need To Stop Doing from Lifehack
We¢â‚¬â„¢ve all familiar with creating a to-do list to increase our productivity. Another list which can jumpstart our productivity is the not-do list ¢â‚¬“ things we shouldn¢â‚¬â„¢t do. By being conscious of what to avoid, it¢â‚¬â„¢ll automatically channel our energy into things that we want to do. Doing both hand in hand will maximize our performance.‚ If you want to take your productivity to the next level, here are 9 habits avoid…
Future Shock at 40: What the Tofflers Got Right (and Wrong) from Fast Company
They predicted the ¢â‚¬Å“electronic frontier¢â‚¬ of the Internet, Prozac, YouTube, cloning, home-schooling, the self-induced paralysis of too many choices, instant celebrities, and the end of blue-collar manufacturing. Not bad for 1970.
Walking increases brain volume and reduces risks of decline from SharpBrains
In the latest issue of Neurology a study by Erick son et al. (2010) suggests that walk‚ing regularly can increase brain volume and reduce the risks of developing cognitive impairment. The researchers stared with 2 mains facts:
Gray matter volume shrinks with age, often leading to cognitive decline.
Physical exercise seems to be neuro-protector
Theological Education in the 21st Century from Bill Kinnon
Gary Nelson, President of Tyndale University College & Seminary and Dave Fitch, Associate Professor of Evangelical Theology at Northern Seminary talk about what theological education looks like now and what it needs to look like.