Found this youtube video that shows the power of 1 person expressing just a little love in the world.
Others are beginning to model this
At what point does this not just make so much sense?
Found this youtube video that shows the power of 1 person expressing just a little love in the world.
Others are beginning to model this
At what point does this not just make so much sense?
My friend Earl is back again. Earl always has a great perspective on things and is such a positive and blessing person. Earl is into origami, the...
My first exposure to someone who openly announced their homosexuality was in college. The editor of the college newspaper wrote an editorial about...
I was thinking the other day over the phrase “love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.” As I meditated on...
As Christians, we have historically treated homosexuality as a choice, something a sinful person decides to engage in. This mindset does not take...
I had intended to begin this series earlier in the week but got delayed by some more research and reading and thought it best to wait. So today I...
Finishing great is really hard. I’ve always been a good starter – even a great starter. But finishing well has always been difficult...
what an inspiring couple of videos. thanks for sharing them with us. such a simple concept, yet so powerful. really makes one stop a second and reflect, doesn’t it?