What are you willing to tolerate?

Today I want to talk for a minute about the kinds of behavior you will tolerate.

This week Joe Biden was inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States. During a swearing-in ceremony for White House staff, President Joe Biden told employees he’d fire them “on the spot” if he heard they treated others with disrespect. In doing this, Biden was attempting to set up a culture of respect. And telling people that he would fire them on the spot if they heard those staffers were treating others in a disrespectful was an attempt to get people’s attention.

This runs parallel to a quote I read earlier this week by Todd Whitaker. It said, “The culture of any organization is shaped by the worst behavior a leader is willing to tolerate.”

So the question we need to ask ourselves is, What a I willing to tolerate?

enNovo Radio
enNovo Radio
What are you willing to tolerate?

David has been a systems thinker most of his life. He has started three businesses as well as designed and developed systems and processes in existing organizations. He has a Doctorate in Leadership and has also done additional post-graduate work in communications.

He has also pastored 3 churches and loves to think about, write about and podcast about scripture, theology, and leadership.

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