My friend Bob Roberts, author of Glocalization, is off to Doha, Qatar and the U.S. Islamic World Forum. Here’s his initial thoughts:
The main sessions are things like: How do we see each other and what are our different narratives? The conflicts that divide us, finding a productive way forward. Heading off a clash of civilizations. I’ll be speaking on Governance, Religion, and Politics: Where should the lines be drawn? What rights and responsibilities should be accorded to religious minorities? What happens when religious mores and public decision making collide on social issues? Is there room for compulsion in religion? The Brookings Institution is driving the conference. Professors, universities, diplomats, government ministers, a Muslim seminary President, artists, business leaders, and U.N. officials will all be present.
He hopes to blog on his experience if he is able, if he is safe enough to do so. Please pray for Bob while he speaks there.
[UPDATE] Roberts DoHa update 1End of day 1
A Day of Learning
In the News [/UPDATE]
Hi all!
What do you think about this? When it happens?
What do you think about this? When it happens?
It did happen this year, and I think it went quite well. I would like to have been a part of it.