We often find ourselves running from the system.‚ The system creates for us an unbearable expression of authority, crying to be deconstructed and reconstructed.‚ To do so would require the approval of those who operate the system and thrive in its authority.‚ Deconstructing the system affects control.‚ When you have fought so long for control, you do not easily give it up.
I found this past week a flawed system.‚ It needs to be deconstructed and reconstructed.‚ Power and control need to b in the hands of those who live within the context of the system, not those who hardly interact within it.
Being a systems guy, a macro-leader, and a believer in complexity (or chaotic systems), if I were asked my opinion of how to deconstruct the system, an opinion would be offered.
Ok… I’ll bite.
What would you do?
Yeah, I’d love to hear your thoughts about the (obviously broken) system.
I think we all agree that an change (an understatement) is needed. I think many of us are wondering whether it is worth trying to salvage the old system, or if it would be better to ditch it for a new one.
So, what are your thoughts?