Fascinating video on how technology is prepping the minds of students for instant gratification and constant intoxication.
Fascinating video on how technology is prepping the minds of students for instant gratification and constant intoxication.
In the glass-walled conference rooms of Silicon Valley and the elite salons of San Francisco, a new vision of American governance is taking shape...
Communication is the most important skill you have have in leadership. In today’s enNovo Radio, I talk about the trust and relationship built...
In November 2018, I did a podcast on the need for consistency in leadership. I wanted to expand a little on that idea by putting together a post on...
Charles Koch is an American businessman, political donor and philanthropist. He is co-owner, chairman of the board, and chief executive officer of...
It has been determined that there are multiple memory systems within the brain, each devoted to different functions. For example, one memory system...
To better understand the role of emotions in a person’s life, it is necessary to understand how the brain functions and how the emotional and...