Grounded in Uncertainty

Uncertainty and Chaos

Covid has created a world of uncertainty. People have lost so much, including family members and friends, and in many cases, it has stressed resources beyond what’s available. Sometimes, people are throwing things up against a wall to see if they will stick, hoping for some kind of solution that will provide some certainty in the midst of chaos.

Leading in this struggle has been difficult as well because many business owners and many companies have been strapped for sales, meaning reduced cash flow and layoffs. Also, new systems and processes have had to be implemented to make adjustments to frenetic times we are living in.

And sometimes, we compromise just to survive.

With all the changes and all the uncertainty, what can we hold on to so we are not tossed around by every wind and wave that comes upon us? How can we remain grounded in the uncertainty that life and business are being lived in?

This is the value in those mission, values and purpose statements that people are always talking about. The labels are often used interchangeably, so for understanding’s sake, let’s define what I’m talking about. That which keeps you grounded in the midst of uncertainty are the core aspects of who you are as a person combined with the core elements of your organization. Those two have to correlate. You cannot lack personal integrity and yet want to have integrity in business. If you are the owner or CEO, department head or employee, your personal and organizational core will be aligned. The leader will create the culture by their presence and what they allow to occur.

So if you want to be grounded in the midst of uncertainty, there needs to be time for self-reflection. Have you developed a set of core values or purposeful actions that drive your own behavior and your own thinking? If not, take time to do it. If you have, are you living by that?

Past behavior is indicative of future behavior. How you have acted in the past will be how you will act in the future, as most people resist change, even in the face of death.

Maybe you need to consider a new set up core principles that drive you and your leadership at whatever level you exist. Self-reflection is useful for that purpose.

So make a list. Change a list. And begin to live the list.

When you do that, those values can be something you hold on to, grounding you in the midst of uncertainty. They can also provide a launch point for new endeavors, creativity, and adventure that can allow you to flourish in the midst of a frenzied world.

David has been a systems thinker most of his life. He has started three businesses as well as designed and developed systems and processes in existing organizations. He has a Doctorate in Leadership and has also done additional post-graduate work in communications. He has been a developer on the web since 1997 and currently is a Technical Project Manager.

He has also pastored 3 churches and loves to think about, write about and podcast about scripture, theology, and leadership.

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