
I ran across a new word today as I was working on a position paper about what happens when a person dies. The word is Christadelphians. Here’s information on them from Wikipedia:

The Christadelphians are a nontrinitarian religious denomination holding a theology at variance with mainstream Christianity. Although their current name developed in Britain and North America in the 19th century, they claim a long line of believers, going back to Apostolic times, who have always been committed to upholding the purity of the gospel as understood by the original Apostles. They are primarily found in the English-speaking world, but are growing elsewhere, with Christadelphians living in approximately 130 countries.

Christadelphians base their beliefs wholly on the Bible, and accept no other texts as inspired by God. Christadelphians believe that God is the creator of all things and the father of true believers. He is a separate being from his son, Jesus Christ. They believe that the Bible clearly teaches that the Holy Spirit is not a person, but the power of God used in creation and for salvation, and at certain times in history has been given to believers.

Jesus is the promised Messiah, in whom the prophecies and promises of the Old Testament (particularly those to Abraham and David) find their fulfilment. Jesus is the Son of Man, in that he inherited sin-prone human nature from his mother, and Son of God by virtue of his miraculous conception by the power of God. Although tempted, he committed no sin, and was therefore a perfect representative sacrifice to bring salvation to sinful humankind. God raised him to immortality, and he ascended to Heaven, God’s dwelling place. Jesus will return in person to establish the kingdom of God on earth. His throne will be in Jerusalem and he will be king over the restored kingdom of God in Israel. Jesus will also rule over the whole earth.

People become disciples of Christ only by belief in his teachings, by repentance, and through baptism by total immersion in water. Although saved by faith in God’s grace, real faith will manifest in works, thus the disciple should seek to live a life consistent with Bible teaching. Christadelphians point to clear teachings in the Scriptures that death is the complete cessation of life. After death, believers are in a state of non-existence, knowing nothing until the Resurrection at the return of Christ. Following the judgment at that time, the accepted are given the gift of immortality, and live with Christ on a restored Earth, helping him to establish the Kingdom of God, and to rule over the mortal population for a thousand years (the Millennium). Christadelphians view the future Kingdom of God as the focal point of the Gospel taught by Jesus and the apostles. They point to fulfilled Bible prophecy, particularly as regards the nations, as clear evidence that the Scriptures can be trusted.

Christadelphians reject a number of doctrines traditionally held by the mainstream Christian denominations, notably the immortality of the soul, the Trinity, and the pre-existence of Christ. They believe that where the words devil or Satan occur in the Bible, they should be understood as the inherent evil within man (i.e. sin) and his inclination to disobey his Creator. These terms may also be used in reference to specific political systems or individuals in opposition or conflict. Hell, is understood to simply refer to the grave to which all men go, rather than being a place of eternal torment.

Christadelphians believe the doctrines they reject were introduced into Christendom after the 1st century, and cannot be demonstrated from the Bible. They believe that many of the beliefs of mainstream Christianity can be clearly shown, from Scripture, to be in direct opposition to clear Bible teaching.

Christadelphians are conscientious objectors (but not pacifists), and refrain from involvement with politics, joining the armed forces, the police force, or other organised bodies such as trade unions. There is a strong emphasis on personal Bible reading, bible study, prayer, and morality. Congregational worship, which usually takes place on Sunday, centres on the remembrance of Christ.

The Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry has some good info on them as well.

David has been a systems thinker most of his life. He has started three businesses as well as designed and developed systems and processes in existing organizations. He has a Doctorate in Leadership and has also done additional post-graduate work in communications. He has been a developer on the web since 1997 and currently is a Technical Project Manager.

He has also pastored 3 churches and loves to think about, write about and podcast about scripture, theology, and leadership.

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  • So, let me get this straight – Christadelphians don’t believe in the person of the Holy Spirit?

    Hmmmm, sounds like a LOT of Baptists I know. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • As somebody who was born a Baptist and later became a Christadelphian, I would advise against the CARM (mis) representation of Christadelphian beliefs and invite the curious to dig deeper. There are plenty of on-line places to see what Christadelphians (and ex-Christadelphians) say about themselves.

    “They believe that where the words devil or Satan occur in the Bible, they should be understood as the inherent evil within man (i.e. sin) and his inclination to disobey his Creator. ”

    That is pretty broad brush that is dependent on context. The satan reference is just plain wrong. The word satan would imply an external adversay as the definition of the word demands.

    I have never heard the trade union bit.

    Props to wikipedia for coming pretty close otherwise.

Further reading

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