This weekend my wife and I went out to dinner with a couple from our church. The wife noted that our last two worship gatherings felt more...
Which religious groups were instrumental in reaching the frontier lands of the early United States? And how did they do it?
This small book by Darrell W. Johnson helps us understand the essence of the trinity – how the term came about, the preservation of...
From the foundation of the world, God had a plan in place to see that we could journey back to that wholeness that humanity found in the...
What the?‚ You read right folks.‚ The good folks at Lifeway are working to train people in “The Missional Sunday School.”‚ ...
In the pages of To Love and To Cherish From This Day Forward, Dr. Randy Millwood sets out to paint a different picture, a new picture of...
I want to do a few posts, now that I am getting back to some degree of health, about what I learned by spending a week in Spain as it...
Introduction: Here the authors lay out their intent in the book. ¢â‚¬Å“This book will assist you in being able to think through your...
4 habits that will help keep you humble in life.
In the previous two posts in this series, I described the declining educational system and its impact on younger adults. Today I want to...