The world today is all about getting things done.‚ To be productive, one must be inherently organized, able to clean off his desk, and have an empty inbox.‚ Highly productive people should have action plans, strategic plans, visions and values...
Over the next few weeks we are looking at Lamin Sanneh’s book, Whose Religion in Christianity? The Gospel Beyond the West. It is this section where Sanneh begins a more question and answer format. These questions and answers are broken up into...
Apache leads the way in web server hosting.‚ In their June 2007 survey, Netcraft estimates that over fifty percent of all web sites run on apache web servers.‚ It was as high as seventy percent in 2006.‚ In other words, the software that powers...
This continues our look at the book, The Starfish and the Spider. All catalysts draw upon similar tools. Genuine Interest in Others. To a catalyst, people are like walking novels. Information that most of us barely listen to is pure gold to a...