My friend Bob Roberts, author of Glocalization, is off to Doha, Qatar and the U.S. Islamic World Forum. Here’s his initial thoughts: The main sessions are things like: How do we see each other and what are our different narratives? The...
Thoughts on an article by David Fitch entitled, The Idol Hath Fallen - the Financial Crisis and the Reshaping of the Landscape for Mission,
Can Social Media effectively be used to minister in a Google world? Can it lift the spirit and encourage the heart, elements of effective leadership? Read on to find out.
I ran across the following video from a tweet. I have talked a good deal about semiotics here as well as the importance of images in communication. The beginning of this video notes this reality. This video also provides a frank and honest...
Over the next few weeks we are looking at Lamin Sanneh’s book, Whose Religion in Christianity? The Gospel Beyond the West. Chapter One – The Wind Blows Where it Will Part One Chapter one is divided into multiple sections, with sections...
We are well-educated people who have been schooled in a way of knowing that treats the world as an object to be dissected and manipulated, a way of knowing that gives us power over the world¢â‚¬¦[We] have used [our] knowledge to rearrange the world...
I want to do a few posts, now that I am getting back to some degree of health, about what I learned by spending a week in Spain as it applies to ministry in the US. Western Europe is post-Christian, maybe better stated post-christendom. People do...
In the previous two posts in this series, I described the declining educational system and its impact on younger adults. Today I want to provide suggestions to help us communicate better in light of this decline. 1. Communicate in short stories. I...
I was talking recently with a young college student finishing his first year at a community college. He was doing a paper and I asked how the paper was going. He told me he was about half way through, it was due in a couple of days and he had run...
Does religion equate to a higher birthrate?