We’ll be looking over the next few weeks at the book, The Starfish and the Spider.‚ To begin our discussion of this book, I want to...
Check out Ted Bell's new book, TSAR.
The sixth principle from the Made to Stick is also the first principle that professional communication coach, Lynn Scarborough, says was...
Thoughts from Dallas Willard on the Spiritual Discipline of Solitude.
Solitude is the furnace of transformation. Without solitude we remain victims of our society and continue to be entangled in the illusions...
This is a video with R.C. Sproul, Al Mohler, and Ravi Zacharias discussing post-modernism, modernism, liberalism, and the emergent church...
From the Chronicle of Higher Education, this article caught my eye… If you wish to be a prophet, first you must dress the part. No...
Does Acts 2 provide justification for a permanent large, multi-site church?
I have been reading Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation (Cultural Liturgies)by James K.A. Smith. Smith sees...
Dr. John Franke is the Lester and Kay Clemens Professor of Missional Theology at Biblical Theological Seminary in Hatfield, PA, a suburb of...